The website www.ehub.unicars.com.cy (the “website”) is owned by UNICARS LTD, (hereinafter referred to as the “COMPANY”) based in Nicosia, having its registered office at 144 Yiannou Kranidioti Avenue, 2235 Latsia, Nicosia, Cyprus with Registration Number HE 7746, contact email: ehub@unicars.com.

The following terms and conditions will apply to the access, navigation and use of the website under the trademarkUnicars e-hub (ehub.unicars.com.cy) which can be found at the following Internet address: www.ehub.unicars.com.cy. Any user who enters and/or makes use of the website (hereinafter referred to as "User" and / or "Visitor" and/or "Customer") is deemed to accept and consent to the following terms unreservedly and without exception. In case of any user’s disagreement with these terms, then it is the user’s responsibility to refrain from visiting and using the website.


THE COMPANY reserves the right to unilaterally make modifications or revisions of the Terms and Conditions of Use, without any obligation other than to post them on the website.


THE COMPANY is not responsible and is not bound by entries of electronic data that were made in error or as a result of misconduct and is entitled to correct them whenever it becomes aware of their existence.

The photos of the vehicles displayed on the website as well as any posted videos are indicative of the specific model of that specific brand and do not depict nor correspond to the actual vehicle which is described therein as being available for sale. In any case, the User accepts that the vehicles that appear in the photos and videos may deviate from the actual condition, shape, size, color and in general their image.

The COMPANY does not bear any responsibility in case of deviation of the photographic representation of a vehicle or its representation in video from its real image.

THE COMPANY does not warrant the accuracy or reliability of any information or content relating to any products/vehicles, software or advertisements included on the website.


THE COMPANY does not provide any warranty regarding (i) the proper functionality of the website; (ii)  the accessibility and use of the website, (iii)  the full, accurate and timely nature of the contents, information or data available on the website, (iv)  the absence of defects or errors from the content and/or operation of the website and/or applications (v)  the absence of viruses or other malicious software and (vi)  the absence of certain properties that could be expected in relation to these websites or their content. Therefore, the COMPANY informs the user that both the entire content of the website is provided “as is” without conditions or other guarantees for their accuracy, correctness or suitability for use or for the intended purpose.

The COMPANY does not guarantee the availability of the vehicles displayed.

In no case the COMPANY is not responsible for any damage of any nature whatsoever that a Visitor of the website   All the limitations of liability listed in these Terms of Use are acknowledged and accepted by the User of the website in their entirety as valid and in accordance with good faith and fair-trading practices.


The User agrees and undertakes to use the services, information and data of the website, in accordance with the law and based on the rules governing good faith and fair-trading practices and is therefore prohibited from using the website for:

- intentional or unintentional breach of applicable law or regulations

- harassment of third parties in any way

- collecting or storing personal data about other users

- sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in other ways any content that is illegal for any reason, causes unlawful infringement and harm to the COMPANY or to any third party or that violates the confidentiality or the privacy of any person’s information;

- sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in other ways any content that offends any user’s morals, social values, age, etc.

- sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or transmitting in other ways any content for which users are not entitled to transmit in accordance with law or the applicable contracts (such as internal information, proprietary and confidential information acquired or disclosed as part of industrial relations or covered by confidentiality agreements);

- sending, publishing, sending by e-mail or otherwise transmitting any content that violates any patent, trademark, trade secret, intellectual property or other proprietary rights of any kind.

- publishing, e-mailing or transmitting in other ways any material containing software viruses or any other codes, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or cause malfunction to the operating equipment of any software or computer hardware or copyright


The content of the website including images, graphic designs, discrete titles, marks, texts, photographs, etc. are the intellectual property of the COMPANY or other legal beneficiaries and are protected by Cyprus law, European law and international conventions. Any copying, transfer or creation of derivative work based on this content or misleading the public about the actual provider shall be prohibited. Reproduction, republication, upload, communication, dissemination or transmission or any other use of the content in any way or means for commercial or other purposes is permitted only with the prior written consent of the COMPANY or any other copyright holder. The names, images, logos and distinctive features listed and described through the website under any trademark or the products or services of the COMPANY or third parties, are assets of the COMPANY or third parties respectively, protected by the relevant trademark laws. Their use on the website does not in any way give license or permission of use to third parties.


Subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein and all applicable laws and regulations, the website grants you a non-exclusive, untransferable, personal, limited right of access, use and display of this website and its contents. This license does not constitute a transfer of title to the website and its details and is subject to the following restrictions:

- You may not modify the website and its information in any way or reproduce or present publicly or distribute or otherwise use the website and its details, for any public or commercial purpose, unless otherwise permitted hereby.

- Any creation of a connection that implies any kind of relationship between the User or a third party with the Company or approval or support from the Company is prohibited when it does not exist.

- The website may not be placed in a frame on any other website and in any case the User is prohibited from creating a link, to any part of the website, except the homepage. The Company reserves the right to withdraw the license without compensation and without prior notice to the User.

- The User is prohibited from using frames or framework techniques to surround any trademark, logo or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout or format) of the website.

- The User is prohibited from using any “metatags” or any other “hidden text” based on the Company’s names or trademarks or affiliates without its written consent.

- In case of unauthorized use, the license granted by the Company for access to the website automatically ceases to be valid.

8.LINKS TO www.ehub.unicars.com.cy

The website may include and use links that lead to affiliated to the Company websites and their use is not mandatory for the Visitor.


The data entered by the User when expressing an interest in any of the vehicles described in the website must be absolutely correct, true and accurate. In case of subsequent change of any of them, before the conclusion of the User’s inquiry, he must inform the COMPANY immediately.


 The User may express interest and submit an inquiry in relation to any vehicles described on the website by clicking on the “I AM INTERESTED” button and subsequently inserting his/her contact information in order to be contacted by one of the Company’s representatives. By doing this, the User expresses an interest for the purchase of a vehicle in relation to which the Company will contact him/her. This expression of interest and submission of an inquiry in relation to a vehicle does not reserve the vehicle in any way for the User, nor does it constitute under any circumstances an order for the vehicle nor does it create any legal relationship of any nature whatsoever between the Company and the User. Furthermore, the Company does not guarantee that the vehicles described on the website as being in stock, are available for sale at the time the User clicks on the “I AM INTERESTED” button or by the time the User is contacted by Company following his/her expression of interest. In any case the Company does not under any circumstances guarantee to any User the availability for sale of any vehicle described in the website until such time the User signs a vehicle order with the Company under the terms and conditions of the sales order agreement between the Company and the prospective Customer.

 The User may chat live with a representative of the Company during working hours for the purposes of support in using the website and/or in relation to the expression of interest / inquiry process.

 The User, through the acceptance of these Terms of Use and by inserting his/her personal contact information for the purposes of live chat and/or after clicking on the “I AM INTERESTED” button is granting his/her consent to the Company for the processing of his/her personal data so inserted for the purposes of being contacted and receiving communication from the Company in relation to his/her request for support and/or his/her expression of interest and inquiry for purchase and any follow-up by the Company in relation thereto.

The COMPANY is not responsible in case the contact information inserted by the User is inaccurate and/or incomplete. 


These terms are governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Cyprus. Any dispute falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Nicosia, Cyprus.


The above General Terms and Conditions fully bind the parties (the COMPANY and the Users).

In the event that a term is found to be unfair or cancelled, it does not affect the other terms, which remain in force and are binding on the parties.

In any case, where possible, a term/sub-term or part of a term/sub-term may be considered separately, in order to render the remaining part valid.

The headings contained in these Terms and Conditions are set for reference purposes only and should not affect their meaning or interpretation.

The User unreservedly agrees to compensate the Company for any losses, procedures, damages, costs or liabilities borne by the Company which arise as a result of non-compliance with the Terms of Use, or in the event of any third-party claim/claim against the Company.

Release Date 11th July 2024